We all have ton of energy centers (Chakras) in the etheric body. There are seven leading Chakras that affect our life. Our reactions to life difficulties cause our Chakras to bring out or close down at the physical, cognitive and spiritual level.
The seven Chakras are:
- Root
- Sacal
- Solar Plexus
- Heart
- Throat
- Third Eye
- Crown
When the Chakras are awakened and balanced, there is peace and harmony in our life. When the Chakras are closed and unbalanced, there is conflict in our life and may we face illness. They create a life of health, strength, wealth, success, love, peace and joy.
Learn more about 7 seven Chakras and their gemstones at following.
Root (Black, Brown & Red Stones):
To open the root chakra through chakra healing, softly touch your thumb and index fingers, palms up, leaving the rest of your fingers loose. Focus on the root chakra, the spot between the genitals and anus, and chant the sound “LAM”.
Root Chakra Stones:
- Red Pyrope Garnet
- Black Tourmaline
- Smoky Quartz
- Red Jasper
- Dravite Tourmaline
Sacal (Orange, Peach, & Brown Stones):
Next, use chakra meditation to open the sacral chakra by putting your hands in your lap, palms up, right hand on top of the left, with the tips of your thumbs softly touching. Focus on the sacral chakra, the sacral bone on the lower back or on the groin area, and chant the sound “VAM”.
Sacal Chakra Stones
- Carnelian
- Imperial Topaz
- Amber
- Copper
- Fire Opal
Solar (Yellow, Gold, & Chartreuse Stones):
Open the solar chakra through chakra meditation by putting your hands in front of your navel, slightly below the solar plexus with your fingers pointing away from you. Touch through your fingertips, keeping your fingers straight and cross your thumbs, the right over the left. Focus on the solar plexus chakra, the spot on the spine slightly above your navel, and produce the sound “RAM”.
- Citrine
- Yellow Topaz
- Golden Calcite
- Golden Tiger’s Eye
- Pineapple Calcite
Heart (Green & Pink Stones):
To open the heart chakra with chakra speculation, gently touch your thumb and index fingers, resting your left hand on your left knee and your right hand at the lowest tip of your breast bone. Focus on the heart chakra, located on the spine level with the heart, and chant the sound “YAM”.
- Green Aventurine
- Rose Quartz
- Emerald
- Peridot
- Malachite
Throat Chakra (Light Blue, Blue, & Teal Stones):
Once you open the heart chakra through chakra speculation, open the throat chakra by interweave your fingers on the palm of your hands and touch at the top softly pulled up. Focus on the throat chakra, the spot at the base of your throat, and create the sound “HAM”.
- Aquamarine
- Celestite
- Angelite
- Blue Topaz
- Blue Lace Agate
Third Eye (Indigo & Violet Stones):
Open the third-eye chakra with chakra healing by putting your hands to the lower part of your breast, the middle fingers touching and pointing straight out in front of you. Hunch your other fingers in to touch at the upper two phalanges.
- Tanzanite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Sodalite
- Azurite
- Iolite
Crown Chakra (Violet, Gold, & White/Clear Stones):
Lastly, the chakra meditation used to open the crown chakra, clasp your hands in front of your stomach, ring fingers pointed out forward, touching at the tips. Mingle the other fingers, including the thumbs, with your right thumb covering your left. Focus on the crown chakra, located at the top of your head, and chant the sound “NG”. You will want to be sure you have a strong root chakra before doing the meditation for the crown chakra.
- Clear Quartz
- Amethyst
- Sugilite
- Clear Calcite
- Charoite
Chakras represent energy centers throughout the head and torso that correspond to specific parts of the body. Disrupted chakras can lead to imbalances and ailments, which can be treated by directing color and wearing gems and stones that can re-balance our electrical energies and magnetic polarities inherent in all our cells and auras.
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